Saturday, 19 February 2022

Rain, rain go away I have panicked enough for one day.

Total panic this morning - a bit because of potentially awful weather, post Eunice, and I had to go shopping but mainly because I could not find - wait for it - my bus pass. Also my mobile phone - dual sim no less - was blocked so even if I had a bus pass on it, it could not be used.  I searched all the pockets of all two of my outer coats, emptied my very small handbag, even pulled everything out of my wallet.  Nothing.  What to do? Take a cab? Expensive.  Report card whom? The police, the town hall? Fortunately I have a full size spray of Rescue remedy on my desk.

 Then I remembered I had 'washed' my London dirty raincoat yesterday and it was now dripping into the bath....but I could not have left my bus pass in its pocket?? Yes, I could, I had...So off shopping I went, quite successfully.   Nice young man in phone shop fished French sim out of phone which came back to life (brexit?). 

In the rain I managed, supported by crutch and shopping, to get on the no 43 bus to take me part of the way home.  It started to rain. I started to calm down. Then I heard the bus say it was the 241 and going to Highbury Grove ....seriously not fair.   I had to get off bus in pouring rain and wait for another....Remind self to write to London Transport...