Saturday, 8 January 2022

Water troubles....

 What is it with London water? Or is it the dishwashing machine

As I was busy loading my mini London dishwasher I suddenly became conscious of my actions:

  I put in a tablet in the appropriate box (it did not quite fit) then - on the basis of old women's advice and my own experience, I added some white vinegar to make glassware shiny - then I added something called 'rinse-aid' in its designated place.(Remind myself to look up in the book of dishwasher-how-to-operate instructions why this latter space should have a moveable arrow and two (!) observation holes in its lid.

Next I close the lid, reduce the program from 3 hours to 1.5 and set the whole going which it does with enthusiasm, noise and clatter.  Experience calms me - the clatter does not mean contents breaking, just things knocking against each other.

Yes, yes, I could wash up by hand, using just a plastic bowl, hot water from a tap, a sponge or brush.  But I think I have better things to that the machine exists.

Also, after some months on non-speaks with Thames Water we appear to be on good terms again.  By this I mean I gave in and let the company debit its bills directly from my bank account.

(Note to self: remember to nag TW about sending a meter reader from time to time,meter easy of access, coal hole not locked, has own lighting)

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